Data for the payment


Formation continue V. Zelinka


Hypno-exploration des dysfonctionnements psychiques et recadrages thérapeutiques à l’aide des signaux idéo-moteurs

Please enter the name of the person on behalf of which the payment is being made. (The person who will attend the conference for example, not necessarily the person who pays)

Once we receive the payment, we send an official receipt of payment (which is in most cases enough to be reimbursed by your financial services). However, if you need a formal invoice with for instance your VAT number, please tick the box hereafter.

First Name

Last Name

Email Address


Code de la formation

 120.00 EUR
Total in EUR 120.00

Our online payment application does not store any personal data but your name, your first name and email address in order to assess in our files that the payment has been made.